Wednesday 14 March 2012

Direct Mail: An Excellent Means of Sending Visitors to Your Website

There are many options to promote your website, such as email, radio, TV and billboards. Direct mail is an effective method which gets overlooked. Although it may not provide the cheapest option, direct mail can conveniently and effectively drive targeted traffic to your website. Presenting something to potential customers which is in printed format gives your website credibility.

With the use of printed envelopes, you can control exactly how your mail shot is presented. In contrast to email shots, which appear differently depending on the users email software You can either outsource the skills and equipment required to create a mail shot or do it yourself depending on your setup. You could use a print management company who will create and post your mail shot. Leaving you with just designing the actual content and envelope.

In order for your mail shot to be successful it will need to be well thought out and optimised. The first major hurdle is to get your mailing opened when it lands on the recipient's door mat. The design of your printed envelopes can play a huge role in the success of the campaign. Simply telling people about your website will only yield a few results, but you can do much better than this. The best response comes when there is a specific call to action directed at the recipient. This call to action will work best if recipients are sent to a specific landing page which contains the information which they were initially interested in. It can send potential customers to the exact offer you seek to promote. In this way you can track the effectiveness of the direct mail campaign.

It is advisable to create a short website URL which directs people to the relevant page and is easy to type into the address bar quickly. It's best to wait until major search engines have indexed a website before starting an offline campaign. This is for the simple reason that many people will type the URL into the search engine rather than the address bar. Personalizing your direct mail advertisement will also improve its results. At a minimum, address the recipient by name.

Another advantage of a specific, targeted offer is that it allows you to set a deadline. If there is only a week to take advantage of a special offer, recipients are more likely to take action straight away rather than putting your literature to one side. Take into consideration the time it takes to get the mailing printed and posted out. Give enough time on the offer for people who don't check their post straight away.

This type of promotion has already been used to successfully drive traffic to many different websites, so there is no reason why it shouldn't work for you. Start with planning the content of your mailing and consider the way it will be presented and the design of the bespoke envelopes. Depending upon the size of your marketing budget and the complexity of your offer, you may want to use a letter or opt for a postcard. Next, you can set up printing and delivery.

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