Thursday 9 February 2012

Email vs. Direct Mail Marketing - Which Should Your Business Be Undertaking

Using the best marketing channels for your business can really make a difference to your bottom line. With so many different options available you run the risk of ‘spamming’ you audience by sending them the same message 100’s of times.

So with direct mail and email marketing baring similarities, which method should your business be employing?

Why Use Email?

Email can be an effective way of sending out personalised messages quickly and easily to targeted individuals. Email provides a cheap and instant means of getting visitors to your website for very little cost.

It is advisable to use a 3rd party email marketing company to send your emails via if you have a hefty mailing list. You will then be able to sort your mailing list by certain criteria and send out emails to suit those individuals. By using a 3rd party provider you will prevent your work email from being black listed.

Direct Mail Marketing

Personalised direct mail can often be well received if it offers some kind of benefit to the recipient. Direct mail does require a greater financial investment than email marketing but can be effective if postcards and letters are personalised.

You can increase your open rate with the following tips. Choose printed envelopes or shaped postcards to add impact to your marketing campaign. Unlike email however, you can’t track what has been opened and ignored.

Could a Combination of the Two be the Answer

By following up your direct mail with an email you are ensuring you reach your prospects and your message will be reinforced. Using integrated marketing strategies have been proven to produce better results.

Businesses of all sizes can include free and paid for marketing techniques to help raise their brand awareness as well as promote their latest products. One particularly popular and effective marketing channel is social media which can be used to provide insight into your business and earn you credibility, whilst your offline marketing activities can help you to build your brand.

Despite advances in technology direct mail continues to be a popular and effective. To find which is most effective for your business it is worth trying out a few different methods of marketing.

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