Friday 27 January 2012

Integrated Marketing: The Advantages for Small Companies

In the 21st century there are plenty of ways to promote your business such as television, radio and billboard advertisements. If you’re a small business owner with a small budget, these marketing strategies can seem out of reach. If cost is a concern, combining offline and online promotion can be a good way of creating the best results for your budget..

Combining an effective direct mail marketing strategy with your online campaigns is effective due to its simplicity. There are many online marketing strategies such as social media, guest blogging and article marketing which are free. Use direct mail to send relevant traffic to your website.

The design and appearance of flyers and brochures is important but with printed material at least you can control exactly how your advertisement appears to its recipients. If you mailing requires an envelope, make sure you use custom printed envelopes to entice the recipients to open them. A print management company can oversee the printing and distribution of your mailing campaign so that you don't have to. This also frees you up to spend more time on your online marketing campaigns.

Once you have grabbed your recipients’ attention, you need to call for a specific action. Direct mail marketing campaigns which are aimed to send traffic to a website should be linked to a specific landing page. Using a unique url to send traffic to will indicate the success of your marketing campaign as you will be able to monitor hits. You need to give people a reason to visit your website, simply giving them the details will not prompt them to take action.

Setting up accounts on the key social networking sites is free and easy. Maintaining these social media accounts with regular content and linking them with your marketing strategies is a good way to drive traffic to your site. Encourage people to visit these pages with incentives. Offers which are only available if they 'Like' or 'follow' you are a good way to grow your audience

Integrated marketing will enable you to show people different aspects of your business, upfront and behind the scenes. Personally addressing direct mail will increase your success rate.

Integrating paid and free marketing techniques will provide the results required on a small business budget. Postcards can provide an effective marketing solution for those with a tight direct mail marketing budget. The design of marketing material remains critical so shop around for a company who can provide you with the creativity and printing capabilities which you require, at a price which you can afford.