Thursday 15 December 2011

How Direct Mail Marketing Can Work For Your Company

When it comes to marketing your business and website, there are a number of options open to you. Direct mail has been proven to be effective for a vast array of different business types. This marketing approach can reach a diverse customer base quickly. It is good for driving targeted traffic to a website.

With technology moving on, many businesses have forgotten about this method of marketing. In many cases, social media and online marketing have taken the place of this marketing strategy. However, direct mail marketing enables you to add a personal touch which can go a long way to producing the results you require:

First Impressions are Important

First impressions count, so it is important that you make the most of this opportunity. To make your efforts count, you need to make sure your mail doesn't end up in the waste paper basket.

Printed envelopes can be an effective way to get your mail the attention it deserves. Make your direct mail marketing work through good design and print quality. What you need most of all is for people to read your mail and act on it in a positive way.

Design your envelopes and letterheads to incorporate your brand identity, that way, any mail is automatically linked to you. If you keep a consistent look and feel across your campaign, your business is seen as trustworthy and professional.

If you are struggling to reap rewards with letters, postcards are a great form of mail marketing. Your message should be short and to the point. As with any direct mail, the design should be consistent with your brand.

Personalising Your Marketing

Always maintain professionalism but add to it a personal touch. Make sure you address the recipient by name to increase your chances of success. To "The Occupier" is unlikely to yield a good success rate. Personally addressed mail is deemed to be more successful than something which could be for anyone.

Where possible, handwrite your envelopes. This is obviously dependent on the amount of letters and your time scale, but is a personal touch that is often appreciated. Using stamps also adds to the personal feel - it shows that you have gone to trouble to mail it, not just post through the door.

If you’re an ecommerce business, continue the personal touch with your goods when they are posted out. Send out a customised ‘thank you’ note. This unique touch can encourage people to make repeat purchases with you.